Men are more likely to commit suicide than women

What are your thoughts when it comes to the subject of mental health?  At this moment you may be asking why? The reason is simple, because there is a need to be more open and honest about it.  For too long now, it has been a taboo subject.  As a child growing up, I often heard saw my adult family members dealing with their siblings, who were struggling with a mental challenge.  They never would talk about the issue.  All they would say, is that the relative would be gone for a while.  To get that answer we had to ask where the relative was, because we had not seen them in some time.  From time to time, we overheard the adults as they talked.  Let me tell you, it wasn’t all positive. 

At the time I did not know the vocabulary word for what I was witnessing.  But today, we have learned that it is known  as stigma.  Webster’s Dictionary defines stigma as, “a set of negative and unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something.”  Take a minute to think about that definition.  As you think, I would like you to ask yourself this question. In what ways has stigma affected you, your friends, and even your family?   I am sure, something comes to mind.  Was it a positive, or negative experience?

Now that I have your attention, think about the area of mental health, as it relates to men.  What have you noticed?   

 Are men are expected to be strong, never admitting that we are hurting, or in pain?  Too often these expectations have been taken on by males of all ages, and has resulted in men being afraid to say how they are really feeling.   he may seem like an impenetrable fortress, or an anvil that cannot be affected by his surroundings.   But if the truth is told, there are things that men need to talk about.  In other words, there is a need to express thoughts, and feelings in a healthy way. 

At some point in life, each of us has gone through something.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if we cold talk to someone about the issues of life, without fear of our words, and actions being turned against us? How often have you heard someone say the following: “Hold in your feelings!”, “Don’t cry!”, “Get up!”, “You’re okay!”, or that all famous scolding questions, “Are YOU, Crying?”

After years of this, is there any wonder why, as men get older, and enter relationships, they don’t have the skills to communicate?

Recently, I read an article which stated, “Men are more likely to commit suicide than women.”  Let that sink in for a minute.  There is an expression I heard as a child that went like this. “Still waters run deep!”  In other words, just because a man doesn’t say much, it does not mean he is not thinking about something.  He could have a lot on his mind, silently walking and working in life, but deeply troubled by the thoughts flowing within him. 

Next time we can go a little bit deeper into the subject. Until then, have a wonderful day!

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